Why does it seam at times that our weaknesses are so strong that our strengths pale in comparison? Is it that the enemy is so strong, or is it that we are so weak?
Questions roll through my head attempting to dissuade me into their confusion, blindly beckoning me to join them in their realm of disarray...ugh...I've been there so many times they have a seat for me...
But I find myself, once filled with unsatisfied curiosity of the misery they so eagerly offer me, now in disgust of their offer. For I know they are not my questions to answer, and so I stand aside and find myself in His shadow...healed and focused...as He whispers the answer to me gently in my ear, as I repeat it...all falls silent.
Reverent...my lips move slowly, forming the sound that forces a tear in respect and sliding off a tongue bloodied with my brother's blood, and I am humbled to hear my voice carry this treasure, empowered by the very sound of its precious cargo..."Jesus"...and I wonder how could I have ever been so enthralled with my little confused world called, "me"?
So I weep...as my heart sings of its gratefulness, and I see you smile. As your eyes dance to the rhythm of your laugh, and my soul dances with them...I see my name form on your lips, I take it in slow-motion and for an eternal moment I explode from within, and I'm satisfied with nothing less...
But the moment passes and it seems I must begin again, though my love for you remains so do the questions. But I know you hold the answer, so I wait and wait...patiently, I wait...quiet and still, prostrate and humbled I wait...and here I will stay, at your feet, for eternity and this moment...
-This is where we must stay. We are bombarded with uncertainties of life, questions and situations but the solution remains at His feet, hidden in His eyes and revealed in His voice. So often we get caught up in trying to force God's hand, or trying to face everything ourselves that we get drawn into the all-so-well known confusion that ensues. Whatever the questions are that face you right now, or situation that seems to tower over you and mock you...stop!!!
Wait...patiently, wait...He knows...He may be waiting for you to simply wait for Him...
What the....? You are deep brotha... you're blog should've been called "Song lyrics I have yet to write, rambling, and more ramblings that no one probably understands but Jonathan..." Haha just kidding ;)
lol i dont know what that says about me... but i totally got what your were saying. In fact its what i have been thinking about endlessly the past two weeks( till my head starts hurting). I try to over come my weakness or to figure out how to fix things and i still come up short. Im tired of questions and sick of my self. Its like a circle i get into and im not able to see things in the right light. I want to " know". Once again i come to the place where i realize i cant do it. Thats why i serve God why jesus died on the cross. So i let go.... and decided to trust that God knows what he is doing.
reminds me of reminding you that you need to blog again :)
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